LSB Notice: LSB Examination (Cadastral Law, Land Lot and Strata Survey) to be held on 31 July 2023
The Land Surveyors Board (LSB) Examinations in the subjects of cadastral law, land lot and strata survey is now open for applications by eligible persons.
A. Date/Time/Venue
1. The schedule is as follows (All candidates to be present at least 5 minutes before the start of the examinations):
Subject | Date | Time | Venue |
Written Examination Cadastral Law |
31 July 2023 (Monday) |
9.00 am - 12.00 pm |
Singapore Land Authority |
Subject | Period of Examination | Commencement (Date, Time and Place) | Closing Date and Time of Examination |
Oral and Practical Examination
8 weeks for both subjects |
31 July 2023 (Monday) 2:30 pm
Singapore Land Authority |
Singapore Land Authority All subjects must be completed and submitted to the Deputy Registrar (Ms Mitsy Ng) before the closing date and time of: 25 September 2023 (Monday) 2:30 pm |
B. Important Details for Practical Examinations
2. I would like to bring your attention to the documents attached:
1) Instructions to Candidate (together with Annexes C and D)
2) List of sites not to be selected.
All candidates must familarise themselves with the requirements/format of the examination stated herein for compliance and submit their selection of sites to Mr Ng Chin Sing (email to: and copy Deputy Registar, Ms Mitsy Ng (email to: between 25 April 2023 and 22 May 2023.
Attachment enclosed:
Instructions_ to_Candidate_Practical2023.pdf
C. Important Details for Cadastral Law Examination
3. The Instructions to Candidate are attached as enclosed for compliance by candidates taking the cadastral law written examination.
Attachment enclosed:
D. Mode of Application
4. Eligible persons may apply to sit for the examination by completing and submitting the online registration form by acessing the link below. Candidates are responsible for
understanding and complying with the rules governing the examination as set out in Part IV (Examinations) of the Land Surveyors Rules.
Assessing the Examination Application Form
Method 1 via URL: (
Method 2 via QR code:
E. Mode of payment (Payment by cheque will not be accepted)
5. E-payment (Bank Transfer via Internet Banking or ATM)
- Transfer the amount to LSB corporate account number UOB 201-319-249-0
- Attach the proof of the bank transfer transaction record/receipt in the online registration form
6. PayNow
You can make PayNow payments to LSB through UEN number T08GB0026H or scan the QR code below
Include your name for reference when making payment and attach the proof of payment in the online application form
F. Deadline for registration
7. All submission of applications through the online registration form together with the fees to be paid must be completed before the closing date of 24 April 2023.
G. Other Important Details
8. In the event of any pandemic outbreak, all candidates must adhere to the prevailing government directives.
9. The LSB would appreciate if you could inform interested persons on the content of this LSB Notice. Please contact Deputy Registrar, Ms Mitsy Ng (email to: if you have question on this examination .
Derick Tan
Land Surveyors Board