Applying for a Practising Certificate
1. Application for or Renewing a Practising Certificate
A registered surveyor who wishes to practise cadastral surveys in Singapore is required to apply to LSB for a Practising Certificate.
Application form & fee
- Form 5 (DOC, 46KB)
- S$300
Validity of Practising Certificate
Until 31 December of the year of issue
Renewal guidelines
Application for ensuing year must be submitted to LSB on Form 5(DOC, 41.5KB) by 1st December of the current year, otherwise, a late fee of S$50 will be imposed.
If he is not applying for the first time after registration, the surveyor must also have obtained the requisite Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units by successfully completing any survey related activity or non-survey related activity 12 months prior to the date on which he applies for a Practising Certificate.
Please submit the CPD Summary Form(DOC, 46KB) which states the number of CPD units together with Form 5 for the renewal of your Practicing Certificate.
Please submit your applications and fees to:
The Registrar Land Surveyors Board
c/o Singapore Land Authority, 55 Newton Road,
#12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987
Tel: (65) 6478 3593
Fax: (65) 6323 9937