LSB Notice- Renewal of Practising Certificate for 2022
To: All Practising Registered Surveyors
Your current practising certificate will expire on 31 Dec 2021. Applications for renewal are now opened via email only.
2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units
As informed through the LSB Notice issued on 3 Mar 2021, the CPD requirements for the renewal of practising certificate for 2022 will be halved, that is, 10 CPD units. Registered Surveyors who had a shortfall of CPD units when they are issued with a practising certificate for 2020 are reminded to make-up the CPD units on top of this 10 CPD units. Please refer to the LSB Notice for the complete details.
3. Documents Required
The required forms to be completed and submitted to the LSB can be found in the “Forms” section of the LSB website, which are attached here for your convenience.
(a) Application for Practicing Certificate Form 5(DOC, 41.5KB), and
(b) CPD Summary Form
Please complete, sign, scan and email the completed forms to the Assistant Registrar, Ms Mitsy Ng (
4. Fees
A reminder that the LSB is no longer accepting payment by cheque as informed through the LSB Notice issued on 15 May 2020.
i) Payment for the following prescribed fees can be made by one of the following methods:
I. Bank transfer via Internet Banking or ATM
• Transfer the amount to LSB corporate account number UOB 201-319-249-0
• Notify LSB that you have transferred the money by noting down the bank transaction number and proof of the bank transfer transaction record/receipt by sending it to the Assistant Registrar, Ms Mitsy Ng (
II. PayNow
• PayNow to LSB through UEN number T08GB0026H or scan the QR code below
• Include your full name in the Reference when making payment
ii) The amount payable is:
Renewal application made and received BEFORE 1 December 2021 | SGD $300 |
Renewal application made and received on and AFTER 1 December 2021 | SGD $350 |
5. To Note
(a) All application forms must be legibly completed.
(b) Firms with more than one practising Registered Surveyor are to ensure that the name and address of practice are the same on all its application forms, unless otherwise intended.
(c) Any incomplete application, such as forms not signed, not accompanied by the correct fee, incomplete CPD Summary Form etc, will be subject to rejection.
(d) Hardcopy application forms and cheques are not accepted and will not be processed.
6. Collection
We will inform you when the practising certificate is ready for collection, usually in the last week of December 2021.
Derick Tan
Land Surveyors Board